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Monday, March 9, 2015


Define terms-
Life expectancy-

Number of people expected to live the time he or she is born.

Dependency ratio-

This is the ratio of the number of economically non active people to the number of active people in the country.

Sex ratio-

 It is defined as the number of females per thousand males.

Subsistence agriculture-

Raising crops and rearing animals for use by family.

Collective agriculture

Farmer pool in resources for various farming activities.

Plantation agriculture-

Growing a crop on a large estates with huge capital investments.

Market gardening-

An intensive cash crop cultivation of vegetables, flowers or fruits.

Organic farming-

It involves using techniques to achieve good crop yields without harming the natural environment.


Rearing of silkworms to obtain  silk for their cocoons.


Breeding of fish, crabs, prawn etc.


Cultivation of ornamental plants, flowers, nuts on small plots of lands.


The process of changing raw materials into products.

Primary industries-

Industries involved in extracting resources from sea or land.

Territory industries-

Industries dealing with the services and distribution of manufactured goods.

Secondary industries-

Industries manufacturing things by processing raw materials  are called secondary industries.

Quaternary industries-

Industries which are concerned with technological research and development.

Agrobased industries-

Industries utilizing agricultural and animal based products as raw materials.

Mineral based industries-

Industries depending on mineral ores for raw materials.

Forest based industries-

Industries which utilize forest products as raw materials.

Marine based industries-

Sea/oceans provide raw material to these industries.  
Private sector industries-

Industries owned by individuals or firms.

Public sector industries-

Industries owned and operated by the government and its agencies.

Joint sector industries-

Industries owned jointly by the state and the individuals.

Cooperative sector industries-

Industries owned and operated by the producers  or suppliers of raw materials,workers or both.


A place where two streams or rivers meet.

Integrated iron and steel works-

A site where iron ore is processed  and steel is manufactured as well.

Population density

It is measured as the number of people per square kilometer of land.

Birth rate-

It refers to the number of live births per 1000 in the population in a year.

Death rate-

It refers to the number of deaths per 1000 in the population in a year.


It is the movement of people into a country to stay permanently.


When people move out of a country to take up permanent residence elsewhere.



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